Celebrating women of the Association – Wendy Burrell, former Deputy Chief Executive and now Honorary Vice President

As part of our 50th Anniversary celebrations, throughout March we will be shining the spotlight on some of the women who have helped shape the Association.

As part of our 50th Anniversary celebrations, throughout March we will be shining the spotlight on some of the amazing women who have helped shaped the Association over the years and are a vital part of our history.  

Some of you may already know that our elected student representatives and other student volunteers, work closely with a dedicated team of staff who help them to deliver Association services, activities and projects. Before her retirement in early 2021, Wendy Burrell was part of the staff team for 22 years, over the course of which she proved herself to be an integral part of the Association family, and a true champion for OU students.  

Wendy first joined the Association team in 1999 and was part of a much smaller team of staff than we have today. For over two decades, whether she was organising our biennial conferences, or providing support to students and staff, Wendy was a font of knowledge, who approached every situation with kindness, insight and wisdom. 

We wanted to share with you just a few of the lovely quotes that have been shared with us about Wendy, who we’re grateful remains part of the Association as Honorary Vice President:  

"Wendy has time for everyone, no matter what role they perform…she is widely considered to be a font of wisdom and kindness by all students and staff."    

"Kind, unflappable, organised, efficient, approachable, smiling, sympathetic, helpful…I cannot think of a more suitable and worthy person to become an Honorary Vice President".  

"Wendy has been a superb member of staff for as long as I have been involved with the Association. Wendy has always been the very epitome of diplomacy and tact and such a wordsmith…always full of sage advice and always willing to listen." 

 A closeup of Wendy in a fun staff photo

This article is part of an ongoing series celebrating the 50th anniversary of the OU Students Association.

Please visit the OU students website to find out more about the events planned to celebrate this occasion, and how you can get involved.

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