Hearing from OU students about their passion for environmental sustainability

We asked students in the Association's Environmental Sustainability Working Group why this work is so important to them.

Here’s what OU students have to say about their work with the Environmental Sustainability Working Group:

I am studying primary education and in my 4th year. I have been involved in carbon literacy training and trained in running the How Bad Are Bananas game around carbon footprints to make students and staff aware of the impacts of carbon footprints and where we can make changes. I have run a few of the How Bad Are Bananas game for staff and students both at the University and the Students Association. I am also carbon facilitator trained and will be facilitating carbon literacy training. It has benefitted me as it has shown how we can make an impact to sustainability by educating people and making changes even in small ways to our carbon footprint and how this is helping with sustainability issues.

Ways I have got involved in environmental sustainability work: I did the Carbon Literacy training and got my certificate from it and I also took part in a group sit in at a city hall meeting to protest the development of a protected green area.

I am studying a masters in environmental management in my 2nd year. I've undertaken the carbon literacy training and found it really useful to be able to apply some of the concepts I've learnt practically which I don't get to do in my job. I had been involved with sustainability work during my undergraduate and this was also partly a continuation of that heavy Students Association involvement and environmental interest. I also volunteer with a local seal hospital. 

I am studying a BSc (Hons) Geology and in my 3rd year of 4. I put myself forward for the sustainability group as an extra in my role as it is an area I hold a lot of personal interest in. I was chosen as co-chair and have had the opportunity to chair meetings, take the lead in lots of our initiatives as well as sitting on the Co-ordination group, the Steering group and regular Responsible Futures progress meetings and networking. I've been trained to deliver How Bad Are Bananas and in Carbon Literacy Facilitation and I've had the opportunity to share this with students and staff across the University. I've been able to network with other higher education providers and students at other universities to share ideas and even visited the OU warehouse to understand the progress they have made to further sustainability at the OU. I've also presented at numerous staff events to update faculties and staff teams about sustainability at the OU alongside sustainability staff. This has been an incredible opportunity for me and I have no doubt these are experiences I will take out into my working life 2025 and beyond. I also feel like I've really been allowed to make good student-led progress here and feel grateful I can leave my role in July 2024 knowing I left this little part of the planet far better than I found it.

Why get involved in Sustainability at the Students Association?

As part of our 2023-2027 Strategy, we are prioritising work to improve our environmental sustainability practices at the Association and we absolutely love OU students being involved in this work with us. 

If you want to get involved, the OU Environmental Sustainability Society is eager to welcome new members and is also looking for students to join the committee where a range of roles are available.

This new and exciting society is for students, former students and staff at The Open University who are passionate about protecting the environment and sustainability.

Read more about the OU Environmental Sustainability Society and contact them via their society page on our website.

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Ciara Linehan

Ciara is a member of the Students Association staff team.


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