Why you should take part in Have Your Say Day 2023

Have Your Say Day on the 15th of November is a series of online events for OU Students to feedback on their experiences. Have you signed up?

Have Your Say Day is an action packed day of online sessions allowing OU Students to feedback on everything from Student Support to Sustainability!

Here’s 5 reasons you should get involved:

1) There’s prizes to be won! Those who attend a Have Your Say Day session will be put into a prize draw and have the chance to win a hoodie or shopping vouchers. There are 5 OU hoodies and 5 shopping vouchers up for grabs!

2) You can be a part of the OU Community. We know studying at home can sometimes feel isolating and attending Student Voice events is a great way to connect with others, share experiences and know that you are #AtHomeButNotAlone

3) Be the change! Student Voice feeds back directly to the University and Association allowing us to champion student-led change across all services involved. You can be a part of improving student experience going forward and help leave the OU that little bit sparklier than you found it.

4) If you are from Scotland, Ireland or Wales there is an opportunity to feedback directly to your nation’s office.

5) Wherever you are from…you can feedback on your experiences of student support or how you want the OU and Association to work towards a sustainable future.

Missed the sign up e-mail? Saw it but it plunged to the depths of your hectic inbox? No worries…

Sign up here!

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Lou Robinson

BSc (Hons) Open Degree 2020 PGCE Primary (School Direct) Student 2020/21 Aspiring Primary School Teacher with a keen interest in STEAM and Outdoor Learning.


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