Apply to be a Graduation Stall Volunteer

Have you seen the latest Students Association Volunteer opportunities to become a Graduation Stall Volunteer or Graduation Stall Coordinator?

Have you seen the latest Students Association Volunteer opportunities to become a Graduation Stall Volunteer or Graduation Stall Coordinator? Is the answer “No” or even “Yes”, but it meant nothing to me?

Either way you are missing out on a wonderful opportunity to share the day with lots of your fellow students and their families as they come forward for The University to acknowledge the completion of their degree or diploma. I have been to many events in my lifetime including engagement parties, marriages, christenings; you name it and I have the full set of t-shirts.

But none of them come close to the exhilaration and excitement to be experienced at a graduation ceremony.  The pleasure and delight to have completed all those years of study is plain to see on the faces and demeanour of everyone.  No more concerns about TMAs, EMAs or exams – the sheer joy of release from the grind of reading, writing, re-reading and rewriting.

I could tell you about how it would improve your management skills, hone your interpersonal expertise, make you face the challenge of attempting to deal with everyone at the same time, introduce you to the importance of displaying the items for sale and even how to use a hand-held credit card machine. That is a small part of the day as important as it is. You are also selling items which will become souvenirs of a student’s special day and bringing pleasure to a student with whom you interact.

The image shows four people standing at a stall selling shop merchandise and the text reads: apply to be a graduation stall volunteerSo there you have it.  Put yourself forward, roll up your sleeves and plunge into the hurly burly of a graduation ceremony.

I have had my own ceremony and what a wonderful day it was. However, come October I will be behind the stall of memorabilia at Harrogate and enjoying the absolute pleasure of sharing what is a day to be remembered.

Did I say you could also join the procession at the end of the proceedings?  Yes, you, the Vice Chancellor, the Pro Vice Chancellor, and more golden-gowned University seniors than you will ever have seen before.

Article written by Patrick

Please see the links below for more details and to apply:

Volunteering at OU graduation ceremonies

You can apply to volunteer at graduations across the UK.

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