Environmental sustainability this April

We have so many ways to get involved in our environment and sustainability work this April!

Earth Day

To celebrate Earth Day this year on Monday 22 April we are launching a poster competition to promote alternatives to plastic; the focus of this year’s Earth Day.  

There are four £50 Ethical Superstore vouchers available for the winners of the competition! 

For more information and how to enter read our article: Earth Day poster competition: alternatives to plastic

How Bad Are Bananas?

‘How Bad Are Bananas?’ is a fun, interactive game of carbon footprint comparisons.

You will be put in a team with other OU students and you will work together to try to correctly rate a range of everyday actions and products based on their carbon dioxide equivalent rating. 

This is a fun way to learn about the impact of our every day actions to try to make us think about simple swaps we can make. 

You will also get the chance to meet other students who are passionate about sustainability. 

Join the event

[Over the top of bunches of bananas the text reads How Bad Are Bananas? Tuesday 23 April 7pm-8pm alongside a picture of one of our student leaders delivering the game in person]

Earth Day Panel Discussion: Planet vs. Plastics

Join Student Leasers and OU experts for a fascinating panel discussion on plastics. The event is taking place on Earth Day (22 April), and this year the theme is Planet vs. Plastics.

This is an amazing opportunity to listen to the incredible work being done by academics in this field and ask any questions about their research. 

Read more about the event and who the panellists are on our Events page

Responsible Futures student focus group

This opportunity is now closed. 

We are looking for students to join an online sustainability focus group on Wednesday 24 April 11:00-11:45.

Any student is welcome, this focus group is specifically for students who are not currently involved in any sustainability groups at the OU.

At the focus group, we would like to hear about your understanding of sustainability in a broad sense and within the context of the OU, and about your own learning around sustainability. This will help us understand the impact of the work we have been doing behind the scenes!

The focus group will be run by Responsible Futures and you can read about them more on their website.

Please email oustudents-insights@open.ac.uk to express your interest.

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Ciara Linehan

Ciara is a member of the Students Association staff team.


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